We, quality professionals of the world, unite to commit ourselves to revitalize quality and transform our profession to increase its relevance for the world. We believe firmly that the principles and practices at the core of the quality discipline possess the power to enable organizations to revolutionize their way of working and to manage their affairs for the lasting benefit of humanity.
This power can be instilled in all types of organizations – businesses, health care, education, not-for-profit, social, and humanitarian organizations, and governments – as well as in the hearts and minds of people. We recognize that quality has two critical foundations: the discipline of science coupled with mutual respect for all human beings.
Quality defines the essence of goodness for humanity.
We resolve to be disciplined in developing our expertise and to advance quality knowledge, in the spirit of service for the greater good of our global society. Through the dedicated practice of quality, we aim to enable humanity to thrive in a healthy planet thereby advancing the quality of life for all. To us, quality means that organizations fulfil the stated, implied, and latent requirements of all of their stakeholders, while causing no harm to society or the environment. We believe quality can and must be applied for the betterment of humanity.
Now we revitalize our dedication to globally enable ‘Leadership through Quality’ in ten ways:
- Deepen our art and science: deepening the profound knowledge of quality sciences and widening the art of its application into all spheres of endeavor for the benefit of humanity.
- Do no harm: embedding the idea that not causing harm and doing good for society and the ecology of the planet are not limiting conditions of quality applications but are integral to framing improvement objectives at the highest levels.
- Extend our scope: extending the application of quality to all geographies, sectors, functional domains, as well as supporting smaller enterprises;
- Go beyond business: developing beyond major corporate applications to cause intense shifts in management of education, health care, environment, and government.
- Serve our customers: emboldening all organizational leaders to forever commit to the precedence of satisfying the needs of their customers-patients-students-citizens as their principal objective.
- Build strategy the quality way: sensitizing managers to the way vision and objectives must be established, not only to avoid an organization’s internal weaknesses and vulnerabilities and assure harmony with strengths and opportunities, but also in service to all of its stakeholders.
- Involve everyone: stimulating the universal involvement of all individuals in an organization, creating ownership and capabilities for assuring the quality of their own work and in making improvements endlessly.
- Create trust and happiness: encouraging organizations to create an environment wherein all employees gain security through their experience of prosperity, happiness, trust, and inner confidence through their rising abilities and self-respect.
- Bring data into daily conversation: rendering, in an age of data profusion, everyone from board members to frontline associates skillful in generating and interpreting data for applications in control, improvement, and daily conversation. And,
- Embrace the new technologies: weaving quality seamlessly into emerging digital, biological, materials and other advanced technologies.
N (Ram) Ramanathan and Gregory H. Watson