
2024-08-29: Making Sustainable Development Sustainable through Holistic Quality Leadership

Sustainable development has been defined as a balance between various aspects, as can be seen in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) or in systems like ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) or in the well-known triple P Model (People, Planet, Profit) introduced by John Elkington in 1994.

There is a lot of attention for these systems and sustainability has become a buzz word. But when you look at the state of the planet, as described in the planetary boundaries model, it is clear that we are getting worse.

In this webinar we will look at the underlying reasons for the lack of sustainability results. We will show that a new approach, including a new definition, is needed and how important quality knowledge coupled with holistic leadership are, to achieve a change in thinking and to obtain a breakthrough in results.

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Torsdag 29 augusti
09:00 – 10:00

Willy Vandenbrande has been working in the field of Quality Management for over 35 years; first as a quality manager and later as a consultant. Willy has delivered many presentations at international conferences (WCQI, EOQ, IAQ) and has written numerous articles on Quality Management.  Willy is an ASQ Fellow and an Academician of the International Academy for Quality (IAQ). Within IAQ he is the chair of the Quality in Planet Earth Concerns Think Tank. In 2019 he was awarded the ASQ E. Jack Lancaster Medal for outstanding leadership in promoting quality worldwide.

“A different book though, touching on various aspects of quality through storytelling and anecdotes. A book that looks beyond generally accepted rules and truths, offering a thought-provoking view on management. Readers may agree, disagree, get mad or be amused, but hopefully not indifferent. After all, Quality is a feeling.”

Reflections on Quality in 10 1/2 Columns by Willy Vandenbrande