Category Archive: Forskning

  1. Quality 2030: quality management for the future

    Kommentarer inaktiverade för Quality 2030: quality management for the future

    This article is based on extensive data gathered during a workshop process conducted in two main steps: (1) a collaborative brainstorming workshop with 22 researchers and practitioners (spring 2019) and (2) an appreciative inquiry summit with 20 researchers and practitioners (autumn 2019). The process produced five collectively elaborated and designed future research themes for QM: (a) systems perspectives applied, (b) stability in change, (c) models for smart self-organising, (d) integrating sustainable development, and (e) higher purpose as QM booster.

    The process also identified a positive core of QM, defined as core values and aspects in the field and practice that need to be preserved and nurtured in the future.

  2. Towards societal satisfaction in a fifth generation of quality – the sustainability model

    Kommentarer inaktiverade för Towards societal satisfaction in a fifth generation of quality – the sustainability model

    In the new generation of quality, societal satisfaction would be a more appropriate way of measuring sustainable success. Consequently, and to support societal satisfaction, additional quality management models that complement current approaches are needed. For organisations to manage current, fast-changing environments successfully, existing management models need to be further developed.

    Hence, to support decision makers in the fifth generation of quality, Quality 5.0, achieve societal satisfaction, this paper proposes a generic model for sustainable development, based on a longitudinal trend analysis of two sequential Delphi studies conducted in 2012 and 2018. The sustainability model supports all organisations—private or public, large or small—on their pathway towards sustainable organisational success and a sustainable future.

  3. Inclusion of CSR in the extended performance satisfaction index – new development

    Kommentarer inaktiverade för Inclusion of CSR in the extended performance satisfaction index – new development

    Using customer perception data from the Extended Performance Satisfaction Index (EPSI) Rating database, this study evaluates the relationship between customer satisfaction and corporate social responsibility (CSR). We apply the EPSI model and find a positive relationship between CSR and customer satisfaction, mediated by the effect of CSR on company image.

    Furthermore, there are non-linear relationships between CSR and customer satisfaction, leading to a proposed CSR-effect curve. From a managerial perspective, the effect of CSR on customer satisfaction is a function of the company’s perceived efforts related to CSR. Hence, an improvement in CSR ratings from customers is expected to impact the business’ bottom line, since improvement in customer satisfaction is known to positively impact financial performance.

  4. Förenklar SIQ Management Index kvalitetsarbetet för ledningsgrupper?

    Kommentarer inaktiverade för Förenklar SIQ Management Index kvalitetsarbetet för ledningsgrupper?

    Forskningen inriktades på två frågeställningar:

    • Att identifiera villkor som är nödvändiga för framgångsrik användning av SIQ Management Index som bidrar till en fortlöpande dialog om hur man kan stödja kvalitetshantering genom användning av mätverktyg.
    • Att undersöka nyttan av SIQ Management Index som ett verktyg för att förbättra effektiviteten i ledningsgrupper.

    Resultat från de kvalitativa uppgifterna visar fyra primära användningsområden för SIQ Management Index: pulsmätare, navigering, systematisk dialog samt ledningsgruppens utveckling.

    I synnerhet stödjer studien behovet av att utveckla förståelse för vikten av dialog och process i kombination med användning av åtgärder för att uppnå resultat.

    Att identifiera villkor som är nödvändiga för framgångsrik användning av SIQ Management Index som bidrar till en fortlöpande dialog om hur man kan stödja kvalitetshantering genom användning av mätverktyg.

    Resultatet visar inte tydligt att SIQ Management Index bidrar till en förbättrad effektivitet. Hur mogen organisationen och ledningsgruppen är med en öppen och transparent kommunikation och tydligt syfte och mål, verkar vara nyckelfaktorer för hur väl en ledningsgrupp drar nytta av SIQ Management Index. Verktyget fungerar bäst att använda  på längre sikt snarare än quick fix-användning, även om detta ännu inte har validerats av ytterligare undersökningar.

  5. SIQ utvecklar ledningsmodell för mikroföretag

    Kommentarer inaktiverade för SIQ utvecklar ledningsmodell för mikroföretag

    Forsknings- och utvecklingsprojektet syftar till att stärka Sveriges konkurrenskraft genom att utveckla och anpassa SIQ Managementmodell för mikroföretag. Genom en anpassad svensk ledningsmodell har projektet som mål att främja digitaliseringens möjligheter och bidra till digital transformation i företag på landsbygden.

    Projektet kommer att ske i samverkan med flera mikroföretag, Tillväxtverket och Almi Företagspartner. Fokus är inställt på utveckling av nya metoder och arbetssätt som ger stöd för mikroföretag att hantera en hög förändringstakt och samtidigt ge förutsättningar för tillväxt genom nya innovationer.

    Projektet medfinansieras av SIQ Intressentförening.

    – För att leda för framgång i en turbulent värld behöver även ledningsmodeller utvecklas i takt med tiden. Vi är därför mycket glada och stolta över Tillväxtverkets förtroende och samtidigt ödmjuka inför uppgiften att utveckla en ny svensk ledningsmodell för mikroföretag, kommenterar Mats Deleryd, vd på SIQ. Vi ser fram emot en fördjupad samverkan och samproduktion med mikroföretagen, Tillväxtverket och Almi Företagspartner.

    SIQs forskningsledare Anders Fundin, som även är professor vid Mälardalens högskola, är ansvarig för projektet.

  6. Quality-based management for future-ready corporations serving society and planet

    Kommentarer inaktiverade för Quality-based management for future-ready corporations serving society and planet

    Av N. (Ram) Ramanathan

    Quality has always implied the idea of causing no harm. Nevertheless, products do cause damage – by using fossil energy, releasing chemicals that could impair inter-generational health, by needing incineration, or clogging landfills and water bodies while resisting recycling or bio-degradation. These are ecological and societal problems that cannot be slotted away as ‘externalities’. The definition of quality must now read as fulfilling the needs of customers and society.

    Quality-based management has the philosophies, systems and techniques to define problems and find causes with long-term customer orientation and respect for humanity. Reduction of wastes is its bread and butter. Corporations have the responsibility to not harm the earth. The twin lack of incentives or coercive regulations and taxes may get rectified soon. Wise businessmen will do well to turn to quality to mitigate harm and thus be future-ready. This paper elaborates the threats and the ways in which corporations can respond through quality.

  7. 2017 World state of quality: first worldwide results

    Kommentarer inaktiverade för 2017 World state of quality: first worldwide results

    Av Catarina Cubo, Pedro Saraiva, Paulo Sampaio och Marco Reis vid University of Minho, Braga, Portugal.

    For that purpose, we are now covering one hundred and ten countries, grouped according to five categorises of overall quality performance (Leading, Follower, Moderate, Lagging, and Beginning). This overall quality performance is computed based on the ranking positions achieved by each country and for each indicator. Statistical data analysis was also carried out, leading to the identification of similar country quality profiles and the identification of a diversity of ways that are being adopted by different countries to pursue their quality journey.

    Following this approach, the characterisation of countries in terms of quality strengths and improvement areas can be also achieved, according to the corresponding country quality profiles obtained for the one hundred and ten countries studied.

  8. Excellence for sustainability – maintaining the license to operate

    Kommentarer inaktiverade för Excellence for sustainability – maintaining the license to operate

    Av Raine Isaksson

    The Planetary Boundaries, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and The Natural Step have been used to identify performance targets for stakeholder needs. Results indicate that People and Planet could be defined as the main stakeholders and that these stakeholders could be further detailed in order to more easily link them with company business. Critical Planet stakeholders could be such as the Atmosphere and Biosphere.

    Based on the Pareto principle, People needs focus should be on alleviating poverty with a highest priority given to those living in extreme poverty. Absolute and relative indicators for sustainability performance with focus on core stakeholders have been proposed. The indication is that a paradigm shift from Profit to Planet and People focus is needed. The proposed strategy is to combine customer wants focus with a focus on defined critical stakeholder needs.

  9. Important drivers for customer satisfaction – from product focus to image and service quality

    Kommentarer inaktiverade för Important drivers for customer satisfaction – from product focus to image and service quality

    By Jacob Hallencreutz & Johan Parmler

    A high level of customer satisfaction is argued to lead to stronger company image, protection of current market share, increased customer loyalty, decreased customer complaints and strengthened financial performance.

    Thus, understanding the drivers behind how customer satisfaction evolves over time is therefore crucial. This paper presents a longitudinal quantitative study based on customer perception data from the Swedish market research consultancy Svenskt Kvalitetsindex AB. A PLS-SEM analysis is performed to unravel how important latent variables drive customer satisfaction over time.

    Study findings indicate that it has been a paradigm shift during the last decade – product quality is substituted by service quality as one of the most crucial drivers for customer satisfaction throughout industries and societal sectors. The study findings suggest a need for new principles, practices and tools to enhance internal customer centricity and strengthen satisfaction and loyalty.

  10. Exploring the emergent quality management paradigm

    Kommentarer inaktiverade för Exploring the emergent quality management paradigm

    Av Anders Fundin, Thomas Backström och Peter E. Johansson, Mälardalens högskola

    There are a number of key challenges in terms of the involved dichotomies for future innovative quality improvements in operations. These dichotomies are part of four interrelated processes that are the central elements of a production system. As such, aiming for stability or change is a production process dilemma in terms of the production and distribution of offerings and solutions. Control and creativity are the main dilemmas of the innovation process, that is, the creation and implementation of new offerings and solutions, while exploitation and exploration are the dilemmas of the knowledge creation process and efficiency and effectiveness of the value creation process.

    As the simultaneous existence of both parts of the dichotomy seems to be a paradox, this paper suggests the emergent quality management paradigm as an alternative perspective providing the guidance, examples, and practical solutions necessary to solve these dilemmas by recognising the dichotomies as mutually dependent.